How to use Wrapper Class in lwc

This is a quite common problem, with wrapper class if you use same name of property and the parameters of the constructor; you should use 'this' keyword to assign parameter value to property.

public class wrapp{
    public Contact con{get;set;}
    public boolean selected{get;set;}

    public wrapp(boolean selected,Contact con){
        this.con = con;
        this.selected = selected;            

As an alternative, this is how you would approach the same thing but without a public wrapper.

You would leverage the very interesting datatype Map<String, Object> in lieu of an actual wrapper class.

@AuraEnabled (cacheable=true)
public static List<Map<String, Object>> getWrapper() {
  List<Map<String, Object>> wrapperList = new List<Map<String, Object>>();

  for (Contact contact : [SELECT Id, Name, Title, Phone, Email FROM Contact LIMIT 100]) {
    Map<String, Object> wrapp = new Map<String, Object>{
      'selected' => false,
      'con' => contact

  return wrapperList;