How to view JDK external documentation in IntelliJ IDEA?

I'm using 10.5.4. It was unclear to me from the docs or from resources online that you need to add this at Project Structure > SDK's > (Choose your SDK) > Documentation Paths > Specify URL.

You can add the external Javadocs API link as shown below:

  • Go to File > Project Structure...
  • Then select SDKs (under Platform Settings)
  • Go to Documentation Paths tab
  • Select Specify URL button and add the link for JDK 11 API docs (

enter image description here

You need to specify the docs/api subdirectory of the unpacked documentation or use URL for the external documentation feature to work.

File -> Project Structure... then here : enter image description here

For IntelliJ Idea: Call "Project Structure" (Ctrl+Shift+Alt+S), go to "Platform Setting - SDKs", choose "Documentation Path" tab on the right, then add url of JavaDoc ( to your project