How to write sign like that pic
Here's a possibility. You should be more precise about what the symbol is used for.
$a\fourcircles b$
With smaller circles:
$a\fourcircles b$
I made it \mathrel
, but that can be changed. Automatically works across math styles. Same height as +
$a\mysym b+c$
$\scriptstyle a\mysym b+c$
$\scriptscriptstyle a\mysym b+c$
Here's a version that better matches the rule thickness
$a\mysym b+c$
$\scriptstyle a\mysym b+c$
$\scriptscriptstyle a\mysym b+c$
Like this?
This geometer symbol can be draw as small picture: pic
and can be positioned anywhere on map's lines:
\documentclass[tikz, margin=3mm]{standalone}
dot/.style = {circle, draw, semithick, fill=white, outer sep=2mm,
node contents={}},
pics/progress/.style = {code = {\node[dot,above left];
\node[dot,above right];
\node[dot,below left];
\node[dot,below right];}
\draw[very thick] (0,0) -- ++ (2,0) pic [pos=0.6] {progress};