How using try catch for exception handling is best practice

My exception-handling strategy is:

  • To catch all unhandled exceptions by hooking to the Application.ThreadException event, then decide:

    • For a UI application: to pop it to the user with an apology message (WinForms)
    • For a Service or a Console application: log it to a file (service or console)

Then I always enclose every piece of code that is run externally in try/catch :

  • All events fired by the WinForms infrastructure (Load, Click, SelectedChanged...)
  • All events fired by third party components

Then I enclose in 'try/catch'

  • All the operations that I know might not work all the time (IO operations, calculations with a potential zero division...). In such a case, I throw a new ApplicationException("custom message", innerException) to keep track of what really happened

Additionally, I try my best to sort exceptions correctly. There are exceptions which:

  • need to be shown to the user immediately

  • require some extra processing to put things together when they happen to avoid cascading problems (ie: put .EndUpdate in the finally section during a TreeView fill)

  • the user does not care, but it is important to know what happened. So I always log them:

  • In the event log

  • or in a .log file on the disk

It is a good practice to design some static methods to handle exceptions in the application top level error handlers.

I also force myself to try to:

  • Remember ALL exceptions are bubbled up to the top level. It is not necessary to put exception handlers everywhere.
  • Reusable or deep called functions does not need to display or log exceptions : they are either bubbled up automatically or rethrown with some custom messages in my exception handlers.

So finally:


   // only air...


catch(Exception ex)
    throw ex;

Having a try finally without a catch is perfectly valid:


    // If an exception occurs in the following code, then the finally will be executed
    // and the exception will be thrown

What I do at the top level:

// i.e When the user clicks on a button
catch(Exception ex)
    ex.Log(); // Log exception

    -- OR --
    ex.Log().Display(); // Log exception, then show it to the user with apologies...

What I do in some called functions:

// Calculation module
catch(Exception ex)
    // Add useful information to the exception
    throw new ApplicationException("Something wrong happened in the calculation module:", ex);

// IO module
catch(Exception ex)
    throw new ApplicationException(string.Format("I cannot write the file {0} to {1}", fileName, directoryName), ex);

There is a lot to do with exception handling (Custom Exceptions) but those rules that I try to keep in mind are enough for the simple applications I do.

Here is an example of extensions methods to handle caught exceptions a comfortable way. They are implemented in a way they can be chained together, and it is very easy to add your own caught exception processing.

// Usage:

    // boom
catch(Exception ex)
    // Only log exception

    -- OR --

    // Only display exception

    -- OR --

    // Log, then display exception

    -- OR --

    // Add some user-friendly message to an exception
    new ApplicationException("Unable to calculate !", ex).Log().Display();

// Extension methods

internal static Exception Log(this Exception ex)
    File.AppendAllText("CaughtExceptions" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + ".log", DateTime.Now.ToString("HH:mm:ss") + ": " + ex.Message + "\n" + ex.ToString() + "\n");
    return ex;

internal static Exception Display(this Exception ex, string msg = null, MessageBoxImage img = MessageBoxImage.Error)
    MessageBox.Show(msg ?? ex.Message, "", MessageBoxButton.OK, img);
    return ex;

Best practice is that exception handling should never hide issues. This means that try-catch blocks should be extremely rare.

There are 3 circumstances where using a try-catch makes sense.

  1. Always deal with known exceptions as low-down as you can. However, if you're expecting an exception it's usually better practice to test for it first. For instance parse, formatting and arithmetic exceptions are nearly always better handled by logic checks first, rather than a specific try-catch.

  2. If you need to do something on an exception (for instance logging or roll back a transaction) then re-throw the exception.

  3. Always deal with unknown exceptions as high-up as you can - the only code that should consume an exception and not re-throw it should be the UI or public API.

Suppose you're connecting to a remote API, here you know to expect certain errors (and have things to in those circumstances), so this is case 1:

catch(ApiConnectionSecurityException ex) 
    // User's security details have expired
    return false;

return true;

Note that no other exceptions are caught, as they are not expected.

Now suppose that you're trying to save something to the database. We have to roll it back if it fails, so we have case 2:

    // Roll back the DB changes so they aren't corrupted on ANY exception

    // Re-throw the exception, it's critical that the user knows that it failed to save

Note that we re-throw the exception - the code higher up still needs to know that something has failed.

Finally we have the UI - here we don't want to have completely unhandled exceptions, but we don't want to hide them either. Here we have an example of case 3:

    // Do something
catch(Exception ex) 
    // Log exception for developers

    // Display message to users
    DisplayWarningBox("An error has occurred, please contact support!");

However, most API or UI frameworks have generic ways of doing case 3. For instance ASP.Net has a yellow error screen that dumps the exception details, but that can be replaced with a more generic message in the production environment. Following those is best practice because it saves you a lot of code, but also because error logging and display should be config decisions rather than hard-coded.

This all means that case 1 (known exceptions) and case 3 (one-off UI handling) both have better patterns (avoid the expected error or hand error handling off to the UI).

Even case 2 can be replaced by better patterns, for instance transaction scopes (using blocks that rollback any transaction not committed during the block) make it harder for developers to get the best practice pattern wrong.

For instance suppose you have a large scale ASP.Net application. Error logging can be via ELMAH, error display can be an informative YSoD locally and a nice localised message in production. Database connections can all be via transaction scopes and using blocks. You don't need a single try-catch block.

TL;DR: Best practice is actually to not use try-catch blocks at all.