HTML Placeholder browser compatibility

It is currently supported by all major browsers except IE 9 and earlier and Opera mini.

For updates, look at the w3schools-specs Or even better, view this overview.

According to this, IE 10 supports it. (You can test it here)

I fix the problem this -probably the most easiest- way:

<!--[if lt IE 10]>email:<![endif]-->
<input placeholder='email' type='text' name='email'>

Firefox also supports it since 4.0

For anyone interested, this is the jQuery Fallback that I use
I use it with jQuery Validation Engine.
Replace FORMCLASS with the class of your form.

<!-- IF IE - use Placeholder Fallback -->
<!--[if lt IE 10 ]>
    $(this).focus(function() {
      if ($(this).attr('placeholder')==$(this).val()) {