HTTP Caching with Retrofit 2.0.x

you can also try:

public class CachingInterceptor implements Interceptor {
    public okhttp3.Response intercept(Chain chain) throws IOException {
        Request request = chain.request();

        request = new Request.Builder()
                .cacheControl(new CacheControl.Builder()
                        .maxAge(1, TimeUnit.DAYS)
                        .minFresh(4, TimeUnit.HOURS)
                        .maxStale(8, TimeUnit.HOURS)

        return chain.proceed(request);

Finally I get the answer.

Network Interceptor should be as follow:

public class CachingControlInterceptor implements Interceptor {
    public Response intercept(Chain chain) throws IOException {
        Request request = chain.request();

        // Add Cache Control only for GET methods
        if (request.method().equals("GET")) {
            if (ConnectivityUtil.checkConnectivity(YaootaApplication.getContext())) {
                // 1 day
               request = request.newBuilder()
                        .header("Cache-Control", "only-if-cached")
            } else {
                // 4 weeks stale
               request = request.newBuilder()
                        .header("Cache-Control", "public, max-stale=2419200")

        Response originalResponse = chain.proceed(request);
        return originalResponse.newBuilder()
            .header("Cache-Control", "max-age=600")

then installing cache file is that simple

long SIZE_OF_CACHE = 10 * 1024 * 1024; // 10 MiB
Cache cache = new Cache(new File(context.getCacheDir(), "http"), SIZE_OF_CACHE);
OkHttpClient client = new OkHttpClient();
client.networkInterceptors().add(new CachingControlInterceptor());

In your CachingControlInterceptor, you create new requests, but never actually use them. You call newBuilder and ignore the result, so the header modification is never actually sent any where. Try assigning those values to request and then instead of calling proceed on chain.request() call it on request.

public class CachingControlInterceptor implements Interceptor {
    public Response intercept(Chain chain) throws IOException {
        Request request = chain.request();

        // Add Cache Control only for GET methods
        if (request.method().equals("GET")) {
            if (ConnectivityUtil.checkConnectivity(getContext())) {
                // 1 day
                request = request.newBuilder()
                    .header("Cache-Control", "only-if-cached")
            } else {
                // 4 weeks stale
                request = request.newBuilder()
                    .header("Cache-Control", "public, max-stale=2419200")

        Response originalResponse = chain.proceed(request);
        return originalResponse.newBuilder()
            .header("Cache-Control", "max-age=600")