I'm getting error after upgrading to Material UI 4 - withStyles

Version 5.0.7 and earlier of react-redux performed the following validation on the component passed to connect:


      typeof WrappedComponent == 'function',
      `You must pass a component to the function returned by ` +
      `${methodName}. Instead received ${JSON.stringify(WrappedComponent)}`

With the introduction of React.forwardRef (which is used heavily in Material-UI v4) and other features introduced in React 16.8 (hooks), it is possible to have a component type that is not a function.

More recent versions of react-redux instead use isValidElementType from the react-is package. This correctly recognizes the component types returned by forwardRef and other methods.

I believe versions 5.1 and later of react-redux should all work fine without erroneously causing the error mentioned in the question.