IDX10803: Unable to create to obtain configuration

I had this problem, and needed to trust the certificate as per Robert Muehsig answer.

But this on its own wasn't enough. I'm using Bearer Token Authentication. A bit of further digging revealed that I needed to set the DelayLoadMetadata flag to true.

So in my Web API startup:

    new IdentityServerBearerTokenAuthenticationOptions

After this and the certificate trust change it started working. I know this isn't the same config as the original problem, but during my searching I kept coming across this post so thought I'd put this here for anyone else who stumbles across it...

I had the same problem - it seems that the SSL cert was untrusted. To resolve this I moved the "localhost" IIS Express Cert from the Personal CertStore to the Trusted Root Certification Authorities and the issue was gone.


From my memory, this error is thrown mostly due to the certificate trust / network access issue. Since you are running all the components in local host, it is definitely not a network issue. I assume you are running from VS Dev environment.

Couple of things:

  • Try hosting the components in the IIS server
  • Instead of using localhost, create a self-signed certificate for your host and try assigning your hostname as the subject name (Please note - idsrv3test certificate for signing and self-signed certificate for host SSL)

Also, Assign permissions to read the certificate as described here

If you still face this issue, try monitoring the traffic via Wireshark (Fiddler won't work in this case )

For testing purposes, I added the below block as the first piece of middleware in my pipeline. This will actually log the exception whenever one occurs. This lead me to see that my 500 actually was a 401.

        appBuilder.Use(async (context, next) =>
                await next();
            catch(Exception ex)
                Log.Error(ex, "OWIN error.");
