iisexpress.exe started crashing with Access Violation in IsLocalRequest call

For historical purposes. This happened to me because there was a code error.

In my case, an attempt to convert from one type to another using the AutoMapper.Mapper.Map(model), but without set the mapping definition. Also this call was made within an implicit operator:

public static implicit operator DestinyType (ModelType model)
      return Mapper.Map <DestinyType> (model);

My alternative was to use something like:

     public static implicit operator DestinyType (ModelType model)
         var mapper = Mapper.Configuration.FindTypeMapFor <ModelType, DestinyType> ();

         if (mapper == null)
             throw new InvalidOperationException ();

         return Mapper.Map <DestinyType> (model);

In my case, the root of the problem was an StackoverflowException. There was no message in my output window which indicated this problem.


Iis Express