Illustrate football team formations on a pitch

Python 2, 401 377 bytes

def g(x,o):
 r=lambda r:["|"+"  x"*5+"  |","|        x        |","|     x     x     |","|    x   x   x    |","|  x   x   x   x  |"][r%5];d="+"+"-"*17+"+";h=[d,"|     |  x  |     |","|     +-----+     |"]+map(r,x);b=map(lambda r:r.replace("x","o"),[s for s in h[:3]]+map(r,o))[::-1];e="|"+" "*17+"|"
 if len(x)-4:h.insert(5,e)
 if len(o)-4:b.insert(1,e)

Ungolfed version with test environment here!

Function that takes two lists of the format [defenders, midfielders, midfielders, attackers] while the one midfielder number is optional. Team X (top) comes first, team O (bottom) second.