import/export error - magento 2.0.1

First time I had success because I set Allowed Error Counts to 10 while importing. My CSV file has only one row so it skipped the one error, Updated the details except image.

Second time I got an error because I have more than 10 rows.


While importing, magento looks at images in the pub/media/import folder, but I left it as empty so instead it will throw the error I previously mentioned. After copying the image into pub/media/import my problem got solved.

note: suppose you need to change product name only, just remove the all the image value(leave as empty, don't need to mention the image URL).

For the import images issue i have fixed the issue from Uploader.php file. change below file path code and success working import images.

File path: magento/vendor/magento/module-catalog-import-export/Model/Import/Uploader.php

Find the below line from line number 201:

$filePath = $this->_directory->getRelativePath($filePath . $fileName);

Replace with:

$filePath = strpos($filePath, $fileName) !== false ? $filePath:$this->_directory->getRelativePath($filePath . $fileName);

For More information Refer github link: