In PHP (>= 5.0), is passing by reference faster?
In a test with 100 000 iterations of calling a function with a string of 20 kB, the results are:
Function that just reads / uses the parameter
pass by value: 0.12065005 seconds
pass by reference: 1.52171397 seconds
Function to write / change the parameter
pass by value: 1.52223396 seconds
pass by reference: 1.52388787 seconds
Pass the parameter by value is always faster
If the function change the value of the variable passed, for practical purposes is the same as pass by reference than by value
The Zend Engine uses copy-on-write, and when you use a reference yourself, it incurs a little extra overhead. Can only find this mention at time of writing though, and comments in the manual contain other links.
(EDIT) The manual page on Objects and references contains a little more info on how object variables differ from references.
I ran some test on this because I was unsure of the answers given.
My results show that passing large arrays or strings by reference IS significantly faster.
Here are my results:
The Y axis (Runs) is how many times a function could be called in 1 second * 10
The test was repeated 8 times for each function/variable
And here is the variables I used:
$large_array = array_fill(PHP_INT_MAX / 2, 1000, 'a');
$small_array = array('this', 'is', 'a', 'small', 'array');
$large_object = (object)$large_array;
$large_string = str_repeat('a', 100000);
$small_string = 'this is a small string';
$value = PHP_INT_MAX / 2;
These are the functions:
function pass_by_ref(&$var) {
function pass_by_val($var) {