In php, should I return false, null, or an empty array in a method that would usually return an array?

An array is a collection of things. An empty array would signal that "everything went fine, there just isn't anything in that collection". If you actually want to signal an error, you should return false. Since PHP is dynamically typed, it's easy to check the return value either strictly or loosely, depending on what you need:

$result = getCollection();

if (!$result)           // $result was false or empty, either way nothing useful
if ($result === false)  // an actual error occurred
if ($result)            // we have an array with content

There are also exceptions for error reporting in exceptional cases. It really depends on the responsibilities of the function and the severity of errors. If the role of the function allows the response "empty collection" and "nope" equally, the above may be fine. However, if the function by definition must always return a collection (even if that's empty) and in certain circumstances it cannot, throwing an exception may be a lot more appropriate than returning false.

I would strongly discourage to return mixed type return values. I consider it to be so much a problem, that i wrote a small article about not returning mixed typed values.

To answer your question, return an empty array. Below you can find a small example, why returning other values can cause problems:

// This kind of mixed-typed return value (boolean or string),
// can lead to unreliable code!
function precariousCheckEmail($input)
  if (filter_var($input, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL))
    return true;
    return 'E-Mail address is invalid.';

// All this checks will wrongly accept the email as valid!
$result = precariousCheckEmail('nonsense');
if ($result == true)
  print('OK'); // -> OK will be given out

if ($result)
  print('OK'); // -> OK will be given out

if ($result === false)
  print('OK'); // -> OK will be given out

if ($result == false)
  print('OK'); // -> OK will be given out

Hope this helps preventing some misunderstandings.

Just speaking for myself, I normally prefer to return an empty array, because if the function always returns an array, it's safe to use it with PHP's array functions and foreach (they'll accept empty arrays). If you return null or false, then you'll have to check the type of the result before passing it to an array function.

If you need to distinguish between the case where the method executed correctly but didn't find any results, and the case where an error occurred in the method, then that's where exceptions come in. In the former case it's safe to return an empty array. In the latter simply returning an empty array is insufficient to notify you of the fact an error occurred. However if you return something other than an array then you'll have to deal with that in the calling code. Throwing an exception lets you handle errors elsewhere in an appropriate error handler and lets you attach a message and a code to the exception to describe why the failure happened.

The below pseudo-code will simply return an empty array if we don't find anything of interest. However, if something goes wrong when processing the list of things we got back then an exception is thrown.

method getThings () {
    $things = array ();
    if (get_things_we_are_interested_in ()) {
        $things [] = something_else ();
    if (!empty ($things)) {
        if (!process_things ($things)) {
            throw new RuntimeExcpetion ('Things went wrong when I tried to process your things for the things!');
    return $things;