inaccessible when using nth in title expansion with fancyhdr and biblatex?

Short answer




Your problem is


as \nth is not expandable nor robust. One should not in most cases \edef 'general' text, but rather use \protected@edef


This will fix the issue though the text of \tmptitle isn't quite what one would expect:

> \tmptitle=macro:
->Oh, Latex 1\relax \protect \textsuperscript  {st}....

One could make \nth engine-robust


as you can then use it safely in an \edef and will get

> \tmptitle=macro:
->Oh, Latex \nth {1}....

However, you really want to simply make a copy of \@title here, which can be done using \let


and which works with no other 'fiddling'.

Your problem is in \edef\tmptitle{\@title}.

You can solve it more generally by making LaTeX not forget \@title after having done \maketitle.

\usepackage[super]{nth} % ordinals


\fancyhf{}% clear all fields


\title{Oh, Latex \nth{1}...}
\author{Bob Whoever}

\mbox{} % let's produce a new page


An indirect strategy may be simpler:

\usepackage[super]{nth} % ordinals

\fancyhf{}% clear all fields

\newcommand{\papertitle}{Oh, Latex \nth{1}...}


\author{Bob Whoever}

\mbox{} % let's produce a new page
