About warp voting function

The prototype of __ballot is the following

unsigned int __ballot(int predicate);

If predicate is nonzero, __ballot returns a value with the Nth bit set, where N is the thread index.

Combined with atomicOr and __popc, it can be used to accumulate the number of threads in each warp having a true predicate.

Indeed, the prototype of atomicOr is

int atomicOr(int* address, int val);

and atomicOr reads the value pointed to by address, performs a bitwise OR operation with val, and writes the value back to address and returns its old value as a return parameter.

On the other side, __popc returns the number of bits set withing a 32-bit parameter.

Accordingly, the instructions

volatile __shared__ u32 warp_shared_ballot[MAX_WARPS_PER_BLOCK];

const u32 warp_sum = threadIdx.x >> 5;



can be used to count the number of threads for which the predicate is true.

For more details, see Shane Cook, CUDA Programming, Morgan Kaufmann

__ballot is used in CUDA-histogram and in CUDA NPP library for quick generation of bitmasks, and combining it with __popc intrinsic to make a very efficient implementation of boolean reduction.

__all and __any was used in reduction before introduction of __ballot, though I can not think of any other use of them.



