Add additional text on title page

Here's a quick way by means of a \date hijacking:

enter image description here

  Coordinator 1 \hspace*{3cm} Coordinator 2\endgraf\medskip
  Dept.\ of Physics \endgraf
  ABC College}}

The reason for being able to do this is because the title macros (\title, \author and \date) can contain anything, as long as it's not paragraphs. \endgraf is okay though.

Of course, it is not that difficult to create your own, non-standard title page using other means (like the titlepage environment). For more on this, see Resources for title page and front matter design.

You can just redefine the maketitle to do whatever you want. In the example below feel free to tweak the spacing and font styles to change them to whatever you like:


\phantom{.}  %necessary to add space on top before the title

{\Huge \bf \@title\par}

{\LARGE Your Name}\\[1cm]


{\Large Advisor 1}\hspace{2cm}{\Large Advisor 2}\\[2cm]
Dept. of Foo\\
ABC College
%if you want something in the bottom of the page just use \vfill before that.


\title{Your great title}  % you can actually insert these directly above if you prefer.
\date{March 2019}

