Adding properties to Koa2's context in Typescript

Just figured out an approach that doesn't require any type-hacking:

interface ICustomAppContext {
  mySlowToInitializeClient: string;

interface ICustomAppState {
  poop: string;

const app = new Koa<ICustomAppState, ICustomAppContext>();

See for details.

Take a look at Module Augmentation to understand more how this works.

You can indeed do something like:

import { Context } from "koa";

declare module "koa" {
     * See for
     * more on declaration merging
    interface Context {
        myProperty: string;
        myOtherProperty: number;

OK, well I guess I still have a lot to learn. The solution to the typing problem seems to be...

import { BaseContext } from 'koa';

declare module 'koa' {
  interface BaseContext {
    dataLoader(): any;

And, because BaseContext is an interface and not a class, you have to define the dataLoader implementation after you have instantiated Koa's Application class.

const app = new Application();

app.context.dataLoader = function() {
  console.log('OK, this works.');

app.context is the prototype used to create each request's context object.

I'd appreciate any comments regarding the correctness of this answer. Thanks.

Ah... learning in public.