Align picture to the right

In order to align the image to the right margin, you might want to use foatrow's \floatsetup[figure]{margins=raggedleft} command. You can either use it globally by putting it into the preamble or locally as shown in teh following MWE:

enter image description here


        {\caption{Some caption that spans more than a line and some additional text}}

        {\caption{Some caption that spans more than a line and some additional text}}


Regarding switching from article to scrartcl you will recieve the following error message:

Package caption Error: The option labelsep=newline does not work with \setcaphanging (which is set by default).

Looking through the caption manual, we can find that the default format of article and scrartcl differ:

enter image description here

By adding format=plain to the \captionsetup command, we can make the code compilable for scrartcl as well. Nevertheless, I'd suggest to take a look at the KOMA-script documentation as these document classes already offer ways to customize the look of captions.

Only as a supplement to the answer of @leandris for the KOMA-Script part: The KOMA-Script class provides environments captionbeside and captionofbeside.

\usepackage{float}% if position H is really needed



      {Some caption that spans more than a line and some additional text}%


      {Some caption that spans more than a line and some additional text}%
      [l]% caption position
      [\dimexpr9cm+10pt\relax]% width of caption and figure
      [\dimexpr\linewidth-9cm-10pt\relax]% offset



enter image description here

Warning: Package floatrow breaks environment captionbeside.