Android global variable

You can extend the base class and add member variables like so:

public class MyApplication extends Application {

    private String someVariable;

    public String getSomeVariable() {
        return someVariable;

    public void setSomeVariable(String someVariable) {
        this.someVariable = someVariable;

In your android manifest you must declare the class implementing (add the android:name=".MyApplication" attribute to the existing application tag):


Then in your activities you can get and set the variable like so:

// set
((MyApplication) this.getApplication()).setSomeVariable("foo");

// get
String s = ((MyApplication) this.getApplication()).getSomeVariable();

You can use a Singleton Pattern like this:

package com.ramps;

public class MyProperties {
private static MyProperties mInstance= null;

public int someValueIWantToKeep;

protected MyProperties(){}

public static synchronized MyProperties getInstance() {
        if(null == mInstance){
            mInstance = new MyProperties();
        return mInstance;

In your application you can access your singleton in this way:


This global variable works for my project:

public class Global {
    public static int ivar1, ivar2;
    public static String svar1, svar2;
    public static int[] myarray1 = new int[10];

//  How to use other or many activity
Global.ivar1 = 10;

int i = Global.ivar1;