Bcrypt: invalid ELF header with Docker and Sails.JS

Make sure that you are not copying the node_modules folder. I got this error when using the official nodejs "onbuild" image which would copy everything...

Now I use:




FROM node:6.4.0

RUN mkdir -p /usr/src/app
WORKDIR /usr/src/app

COPY package.json /usr/src/app/
RUN npm install
COPY . /usr/src/app

CMD [ "npm", "start" ]


Edit: The official NodeJS Docker starter image project on Github has accepted my pull request for ther README which instructs to explicitly ignore the node_modules.

In my package config I had "bcrypt":"^0.8.0" and when I took out the ^ and changed it to "bcrypt":"0.8.0" I was able to get everything running.

The issue was that it was trying to run bcrypt 0.8.5 and that was causing issues for some reason.

I was experiencing same thing, even though using Express, not Sails. I tried every suggestion here with no success. What made the trick was change the npm module bcrypt by bcryptjs:

npm uninstall bcrypt
npm install bcryptjs --save

Then change your require to something like

var bcrypt   = require('bcryptjs');

It is working flawlessly now.