Can't install cx_Freeze or scipy for Python 3.7 64-bit
You could manage to install it from wheel.
First you need to install wheel:
pip install wheel
Then go to the following link to download the cx_Freeze wheel file according to you python version and windows version:
For 64bit and Python 3.7: cx_Freeze‑5.1.1‑cp37‑cp37m‑win_amd64.whl
On your command prompt change directory to the downloaded folder and use the command:
pip install cx_Freeze‑5.1.1‑cp37‑cp37m‑win_amd64.whl
For further description on installing from wheel, check the following link:
The same method will solve your problem to install scipy.
It seems that this problem occurs because the version on PyPI isn't up to date. It works for me when I manually download it from the master branch on GitHub.
pip install --upgrade git+
Got this answer from issue #407 published on the GitHub page.
I tried Nischal's solution (which worked) but then ran into more errors down the line.
I then rolled back python to 3.6-32bit and everything worked flawlessly, just a heads up to whoever else gets this, unless you can get cx_freeze 6.0 installed it may be easier to rollback to python3.6 (or make a virtualenv of it).