Can UML be used to model a Functional program?

Functional programmers generally don't have a lot of use for diagrams. Many functional programmers (but not all) find that writing down types is a good way to encapsulate the design relationships that OO programmers put into UML diagrams.

Because mutable state is rare in functional programs, there are no mutable "objects", so it is not usually useful or necessary to diagram relationships among them. And while one function might call another, this property is usually not important to the overall design of a system but only to the implementation of the function doing the calling.

If I were feeling a strong need to diagram a functional program I might use a concept map in which types or functions play the role of concepts.

UML isn't only class diagrams.

Most of the other diagram types (Use case diagrams, activity diagrams, sequence diagrams...) are perfectly applicable for a purely functional programming style. Even class diagrams could still be useful, if you simply don't use attributes and associations and interpret "class" as "collection of related functions".