change background color of Preference
This worked for me
getListView().setBackgroundColor(Color.rgb(4, 26, 55));
You can define a theme and then set this for your PreferenceActivity in the manifest. Your theme can then define a a background color or a windowBackground image should you prefer that.
<activity android:label="@string/app_label" android:name=".client.PreferencesActivity"
Then add the theme to your styles.xml
<style name="PreferencesTheme">
<item name="android:windowBackground">@drawable/background_image</item>
<item name="android:background">#FFEAEAEA</item>
In the above snippet there's both a background color and a background image defined to show how to do it.
is not an available attribute, according to the documentation.
It is possible you could theme the PreferenceActivity
to achieve your color change, though I have not tried this, because I want my preferences to look like those of the rest of Android, to improve usability of the app.
Another work-around as far as color goes is that you create a theme for the preferences activity and put the background color of list views as well:
<style name="PrefsTheme" parent="@android:style/Theme.Black.NoTitleBar">
<item name="android:windowBackground">@color/prefs_bg</item>
<item name="android:textColor">@color/text_color</item>
<item name="android:listViewStyle">@style/listViewPrefs</item>
<style name="listViewPrefs" parent="@android:style/Widget.ListView">
<item name="android:background">@color/prefs_bg</item>
<item name="android:cacheColorHint">@color/prefs_bg</item>