Check if two lists are equal in any order

Is it any permutation ? Then I think then this should do


If you have many duplicates (and the number of duplicates matter) then Tally can improve performance sufficiently

orderlessSameQ[a_List, b_List] := (Length@a == Length@b) && (Sort@Tally@a === Sort@Tally@b);

a = RandomInteger[{0, 1000}, 1000000];
b = RandomSample[a];

areListsEqual[a, b] // AbsoluteTiming (* lalmei *)
orderlessSameQ[a, b] // AbsoluteTiming
(* {0.577613, True} *)
(* {0.011876, True} *)

The Permutations method will be unnecessarily slow, but if you are talking about elements of a set (I'm not sure -- your terminology isn't clear), you can speed things up if you are expecting to see mostly False as output by doing the following:

areListsEqual[s1_, s2_] := Module[{i = 1, n = Length[s1]},
 If[Not[n == Length[s2]], Return[False]];
 While[i < n, If[Not[MemberQ[s2, s1[[i]], 1]], Return[False]]; i++;];

Note that I'm using levelspec 1 in the MemberQ command, so that if you have lists of lists this still makes some sense. If you compare this with the other method, it might not be noticeable:

areListsEqual2[List1_, List2_] := (Sort[List1] === Sort[List2]);
Timing[areListsEqual[{a, b, c}, {c, b, a}]]
Timing[areListsEqual2[{a, b, c}, {c, b, a}]]

(* Output:
 {0., True}
 {0., True} *)

However, you'll see it on larger lists, whether they are different:

s1 = DeleteDuplicates[RandomInteger[10^10, 10^7]];
s2 = Take[DeleteDuplicates[RandomInteger[10^10, 2*10^7]], Length[s1]];
Timing[areListsEqual[s1, s2]]
Timing[areListsEqual2[s1, s2]]

(* Output:
 {0.717605, False}
 {3.900025, False} *)

and of course, the opposite result if they are actually equal:

s1 = DeleteDuplicates[RandomInteger[10^10, 10^4]];
s2 = {}; iv = Range[Length[s1]];
While[iv != {},
 i = RandomInteger[{1, Length[iv]}];
 s2 = Append[s2, s1[[iv[[i]]]]];
 iv = Drop[iv, {i}];
Timing[areListsEqual[s1, s2]]
Timing[areListsEqual2[s1, s2]]

(* Output:
 {1.466409, True}
 {0., True} *)

Note that in any event, when the two lists are longer, both methods take much longer (which is why I've restricted that one to size $10^4$ and not $10^7$. Even using a set size of roughly $10^5$.

And of course, when they actually don't agree in length, it's much easier to see:

s1 = DeleteDuplicates[RandomInteger[10^10, 10^7]];
s2 = Take[DeleteDuplicates[RandomInteger[10^10, 2*10^7]], Length[s1] + 1];
Timing[areListsEqual[s1, s2]]
Timing[areListsEqual2[s1, s2]]

(* Output:
 {0., False}
 {3.884425, False} *)

And can you imagine comparing a list of size $10^{10}$ with one of size $10^{10}+1$? You'd have to sort each one just to decide they aren't equal! Of course, who has the RAM for that?

So if you are expecting lots of lists to go through this that are clearly and obviously not the same, with lots of False output, you might want to try this method. If you are expecting to generally see lists that are the same or almost exactly the same (or which have repeated elements -- something I could, but have not, accounted for), you can stick to the Sort and === method. And of course, if your lists are of relatively small size, the question of efficiency is moot anyway.

Last minute note: I just saw eldo's answer, and I will note that his method is even slower than the Sort and === method in the case of False output. His time is 4.383628 for that first legitimate comparison and 4.274427 for the second (when the lists are different sizes). It also clocks in at 0. in the case where my method is slower (i.e. the True output).