CollapsingToolbarLayout.setTitle(title) does not work after changing appbarLayout

I was able to solve this issue using the following answer provided by @DanielPersson at how to pin title in Toolbar inside CollapsingToolbarLayout:

toolbar.setTitle("My Title");

By calling setTitleEnabled(false);, the title appeared in the toolbar.

It is the same as setting title in a normal toolbar.

In your xml layout file for collapsing toolbar, inside the CollapsingToolbarLayout you'll have a normal toolbar ( for which you should set an id (android:id="@+id/toolbar"). Find this toolbar using the id in your java class and set the title.

  mToolbar = findViewById(;

Just add this line of code to the CollapsingToolbarLayout tag in your xml layout.

app:title="Title You Want"

It works If you want to Change the collapsingToolbarLayout title.