Compare instances of Option[T] avoiding None == None

You could do it with pattern matching (which in this case is probably the clearest way):

(user, server) match {
  case (Some(user), Some(server)) if == server.adminId =>
    // both ids are matching, handle this case here
  case _ =>
    // no match, handle this case here

You could also try as a one-liner but here I don't advise it as it's pretty obfuscated:

if ( user.flatMap{ user => == }.getOrElse( false ) ) {
  // both ids are matching, handle this case here
else {
  // no match, handle this case here

Finally, if you only have to handle the case where the ids match (and would just do nothing if there is not), using a for comprehension is not too bad of an option (no pun intended):

for ( user <- user; server <- server if == server.adminId ) {
  // both ids are matching, handle this case here

I got used to the combination of exists / contains for this purpose.

When comparing two options of the same type:


In your case this can be applied using map:

you can use a for comprehension

def isAdmin(server: Option[Server])(user: Option[User]): Boolean = (for {
    s <- server
    u <- user
  } yield ( == s.adminId)

The comprehension results in a Option[Boolean] from which you get the value or false if there's no value (the case where any of the options is None, as you requested)

Why curried?

I made the method curried, so you can define you function for a specific server, and then reuse that to check many users

def isMyServerAdmin = isAdmin(Some(myServer)) _

isMyServerAdmin(Some(user1)) = true
isMyServerAdmin(Some(user2)) = false
isMyServerAdmin(None) = false

