Comparing PHP version numbers using Bash?
It is doing a lexical comparison. Use one of these:
if [ $(version $phpver) -gt $(version 5.2.13) ] || [ $(version $phpver) -lt $(version 5.2.13) ]; then
if [[ $(version $phpver) > $(version 5.2.13) ]] || [[ $(version $phpver) < $(version 5.2.13) ]]; then
if (( $(version $phpver) > $(version 5.2.13) )) || (( $(version $phpver) < $(version 5.2.13) )); then
Or do it all in awk or some other tool. It is screaming for some optimisation. It also seems you're not producing numbers either, so you have a pretty odd design. Usually the version substrings are multiplied by 1000 and then all summed up to get a single comparable scalar.
Here's another solution that:
- does not run any external command apart from
- has no restriction on number of parts in version string
- can compare version strings with different number of parts
Note that it's Bash code using array variables.
local v1=( $(echo "$1" | tr '.' ' ') )
local v2=( $(echo "$2" | tr '.' ' ') )
local len="$(max "${#v1[*]}" "${#v2[*]}")"
for ((i=0; i<len; i++))
[ "${v1[i]:-0}" -gt "${v2[i]:-0}" ] && return 1
[ "${v1[i]:-0}" -lt "${v2[i]:-0}" ] && return 2
return 0
The function returns:
- 0 if versions are equal (btw: 1.2 == 1.2.0)
- 1 if the 1st version is bigger / newer
- 2 if the 2nd version is bigger / newer
However #1 -- it requires one additional function (but function min
is quite usable to have anyway):
local m="$1"
for n in "$@"
[ "$n" -lt "$m" ] && m="$n"
echo "$m"
However #2 -- it cannot compare version strings with alpha-numeric parts (though that would not be difficult to add, actually).
There is possibility for deb-distributions:
dpkg --compare-versions <version> <relation> <version>
For example:
dpkg --compare-versions "0.0.4" "gt" "0.0.3"
if [ $? -eq "0" ]; then echo "YES"; else echo "NO"; fi
Here's how to compare versions.
using sort -V
function version_gt() { test "$(printf '%s\n' "$@" | sort -V | head -n 1)" != "$1"; }
example usage:
if version_gt $first_version $second_version; then
echo "$first_version is greater than $second_version !"
- solid way to compare fancy version strings:
- support any length of sub-parts (ie: 1.3alpha.2.dev2 > 1.1 ?)
- support alpha-betical sort (ie: 1.alpha < 1.beta2)
- support big size version (ie: 1.10003939209329320932 > 1.2039209378273789273 ?)
- can easily be modified to support n arguments. (leaved as an exercise ;) )
- usually very usefull with 3 arguments: (ie: 1.2 < my_version < 2.7 )
- uses a lot of various calls to different programs. So it's not that efficient.
- uses a pretty recent version of
and it might not be available on your system. (check withman sort
without sort -V
## each separate version number must be less than 3 digit wide !
function version { echo "$@" | gawk -F. '{ printf("%03d%03d%03d\n", $1,$2,$3); }'; }
example usage:
if [ "$(version "$first_version")" -gt "$(version "$second_version")" ]; then
echo "$first_version is greater than $second_version !"
- quicker solution as it only calls 1 subprocess
- much more compatible solution.
- quite specific, version string must:
- have version with 1, 2 or 3 parts only. (excludes '')
- each parts must be numerical only (excludes '3.1a')
- each part can't be greater than 999 (excludes '1.20140417')
Comments about your script:
I can't see how it could work:
- as stated in a comment
are very special shell character and you should replace them by-gt
- even if you replaced the characters, you can't compare version numbers as if they where integers or float. For instance, on my system, php version is
But your function version()
is quite cleverly written already and may help you by circumventing the classical issue that sorting alphabetically numbers won't sort numbers numerically ( alphabetically 1 < 11 < 2, which is wrong numerically). But be carefull: arbitrarily large numbers aren't supported by bash (try to keep under 32bits if you aim at compatibility with 32bits systems, so that would be 9 digit long numbers). So I've modified your code (in the second method NOT using sort -V
) to force only 3 digits for each part of the version string.
EDIT: applied @phk amelioration, as it is noticeably cleverer and remove a subprocess call in the first version using sort
. Thanks.