Comparing Python dictionaries and nested dictionaries

comparing 2 dictionaries using recursion:

Edited for python 3 (works for python 2 as well):

d1= {'a':{'b':{'cs':10},'d':{'cs':20}}}
d2= {'a':{'b':{'cs':30} ,'d':{'cs':20}},'newa':{'q':{'cs':50}}}

def findDiff(d1, d2, path=""):
    for k in d1:
        if k in d2:
            if type(d1[k]) is dict:
                findDiff(d1[k],d2[k], "%s -> %s" % (path, k) if path else k)
            if d1[k] != d2[k]:
                result = [ "%s: " % path, " - %s : %s" % (k, d1[k]) , " + %s : %s" % (k, d2[k])]
            print ("%s%s as key not in d2\n" % ("%s: " % path if path else "", k))

print("comparing d1 to d2:")
print("comparing d2 to d1:")

Python 2 old answer:

def findDiff(d1, d2, path=""):
    for k in d1:
        if (k not in d2):
            print (path, ":")
            print (k + " as key not in d2", "\n")
            if type(d1[k]) is dict:
                if path == "":
                    path = k
                    path = path + "->" + k
                findDiff(d1[k],d2[k], path)
                if d1[k] != d2[k]:
                    print (path, ":")
                    print (" - ", k," : ", d1[k])
                    print (" + ", k," : ", d2[k])


comparing d1 to d2:
a -> b: 
 - cs : 10
 + cs : 30
comparing d2 to d1:
a -> b: 
 - cs : 30
 + cs : 10

why not use deepdiff library.

see it at:

>>> from deepdiff import DeepDiff
>>> t1 = {1:1, 3:3, 4:4}
>>> t2 = {1:1, 3:3, 5:5, 6:6}
>>> ddiff = DeepDiff(t1, t2)
>>> print(ddiff)
{'dictionary_item_added': {'root[5]', 'root[6]'}, 'dictionary_item_removed': {'root[4]'}}

of course it is more powerful, check the doc for more.

Modified user3's code to make it even better

d1= {'as': 1, 'a':
             'qqq': {'qwe':1}
            'd': {'csd':30}
d2= {'as': 3, 'a':
             'qqq': 123

def compare_dictionaries(dict_1, dict_2, dict_1_name, dict_2_name, path=""):
    """Compare two dictionaries recursively to find non mathcing elements

        dict_1: dictionary 1
        dict_2: dictionary 2


    err = ''
    key_err = ''
    value_err = ''
    old_path = path
    for k in dict_1.keys():
        path = old_path + "[%s]" % k
        if not dict_2.has_key(k):
            key_err += "Key %s%s not in %s\n" % (dict_2_name, path, dict_2_name)
            if isinstance(dict_1[k], dict) and isinstance(dict_2[k], dict):
                err += compare_dictionaries(dict_1[k],dict_2[k],'d1','d2', path)
                if dict_1[k] != dict_2[k]:
                    value_err += "Value of %s%s (%s) not same as %s%s (%s)\n"\
                        % (dict_1_name, path, dict_1[k], dict_2_name, path, dict_2[k])

    for k in dict_2.keys():
        path = old_path + "[%s]" % k
        if not dict_1.has_key(k):
            key_err += "Key %s%s not in %s\n" % (dict_2_name, path, dict_1_name)

    return key_err + value_err + err

a = compare_dictionaries(d1,d2,'d1','d2')
print a


Key d2[newa] not in d1
Value of d1[as] (1) not same as d2[as] (3)
Value of d1[a][b][cs] (10) not same as d2[a][b][cs] (30)
Value of d1[a][b][qqq] ({'qwe': 1}) not same as d2[a][b][qqq] (123)
Value of d1[a][d][csd] (30) not same as d2[a][d][csd] (20)