Convert spectral distribution to RGB color
I got my CIE color matching functions from here. These are the CIE 1931 2-deg, XYZ CMFs modified by Judd (1951) and Vos (1978).
{λ, x, y, z} =
ListLinePlot[{{λ, x}\[Transpose], {λ,y}\[Transpose], {λ, z}\[Transpose]},
PlotLegends -> {"X", "Y", "Z"}]
Conversion of color temperature to XYZ tristimulus values is done using Planck's radiation law. Note that I make use of vectorization to calculate the integration of the product of black body radiation and the color sensitivity curves over wavelength. I also scale the output to make Y (more or less the luminance) equal to 1.
λ = λ 10^-9; (* wavelength is given in nm *)
XYZ[t_] :=
Module[{h = 6.62607*10^-34,c = 2.998*10^8, k = 1.38065*10^-23},
{x, y, z}.((2 h c^2)/((-1 + E^((h c/k)/(t λ))) λ^5)) // #/#[[2]] &
With V10 there are two convenient functions that perform the rest of the transformation for us: XYZColor
and ColorConvert
ColorConvert[XYZColor @@ XYZ[temp], "RGB"]
ColorConvert[XYZColor @@ XYZ[i], "RGB"],
Rectangle[{i, 0}, {i + 50, 5000}]
{i, 100, 10000, 50}
Frame -> True, FrameTicks -> {Automatic, None, None, None},
FrameLabel -> {"Black body temperature (K)", "", "", ""}
Note that some clipping can take place in the conversion from XYZ to RGB (sRGB has a rather restricted gamut):
Table[ColorConvert[XYZColor[XYZ[i]], "RGB"], {i, 100, 40000, 50}],
Table[XYZColor@XYZ[i], {i, 100, 40000, 50}]
Scaling the XYZ values down somewhat (here with a factor of 2) may provide a solution in some cases:
Table[ColorConvert[XYZColor[XYZ[i]/2], "RGB"], {i, 100, 40000, 50}],
Table[XYZColor@XYZ[i], {i, 100, 40000, 50}]
I thought I'd share my attempt at this, even though it doesn't seem to have worked properly.
The CIE color matching functions are tabulated in the Image`ColorOperationsDump
context which is used by ChromaticityPlot
. The context can be loaded by calling ChromaticityPlot
and then we can interpolate the data to obtain functions:
{x, y, z} = Interpolation[
Thread[{Image`ColorOperationsDump`$wavelengths, #}]] & /@
Plot[{x[λ], y[λ], z[λ]}, {λ, 385, 745}, PlotStyle -> {Red, Green, Blue}]
The X, Y and Z tristimulus values are obtained by integrating the functions over the spectrum, so define the spectrum and the integration:
h = 6.63*^-34; c = 3.0*^8; k = 1.38*^-23; nm = 10^-9;
spectrum[T_, λ_] := (λ nm)^-5/(Exp[h c/(λ nm k T)] - 1)
xyzcolor[T_] := NIntegrate[Through[{x, y, z}[λ]] spectrum[T, λ], {λ, 385, 745}]/
NIntegrate[spectrum[T, λ], {λ, 385, 745}]
I've normalised the integral by the total power in the spectrum, but this may not be the correct approach.
can be used to convert the XYZ color to RGB. Note that I had to multiply the XYZ color by an arbitrary constant to get the results not to be too dark (this is why I'm not sure about the normalisation).
rgbcolor[T_] := ColorConvert[3 xyzcolor[T], "XYZ" -> "RGB"]
Here are the colors obtained for temperatures from 500K to 8000K (bottom row) with the results from the built-in "BlackBodySpectrum" above.
rgbcolor[500 t], Disk[{t, 0}, 0.4],
ColorData["BlackBodySpectrum"][500 t], Disk[{t, 1}, 0.4]}, {t, 16}],
Background -> Black]
They are clearly rather different :-(
Borrowing the analytically-fitted color matching functions cieX, cieY, cieZ
and sRGBGamma
from this answer, here is a function for generating the colors of the black body spectrum. The conversion being done here assumes a luminance (Y in the XYZ system) of 1:
With[{planck = 1/((Exp[1.43877696*^7/(#1 #2)] - 1) #1^5) &,
tab = Through[{cieX, cieY, cieZ}[Range[380, 780]]]},
myBlackBodySpectrum[t_?NumericQ] := RGBColor @@ Clip[sRGBGamma[
{{3.2404542, -1.5371385, -0.49853141},
{-0.96926603, 1.8760108, 0.041556017},
{0.055643431, -0.20402591, 1.0572252}} .
Normalize[tab.planck[Range[380, 780], t], #[[2]] &]], {0, 1}]]
(For version 10, see my other answer).
GraphicsColumn[{DensityPlot[x, {x, 1000, 10000}, {y, 0, 1500},
AspectRatio -> Automatic, PlotPoints -> {200, 3},
ColorFunction -> "BlackBodySpectrum",
ColorFunctionScaling -> False,
PlotLabel -> "BlackBodySpectrum"],
DensityPlot[x, {x, 1000, 10000}, {y, 0, 1500},
AspectRatio -> Automatic, PlotPoints -> {200, 3},
ColorFunction -> myBlackBodySpectrum,
ColorFunctionScaling -> False,
PlotLabel -> "myBlackBodySpectrum"]}]