Count the number of shortest paths to n

JavaScript (ES6),  111 ... 84  80 bytes

Returns true rather than \$1\$ for \$n=2\$.


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f = (                     // f is the main recursive function taking:
  n,                      //   n = input
  j                       //   j = maximum number of steps
) => (                    //
  g = (                   // g is another recursive function taking:
    i,                    //   i = number of remaining steps
    x,                    //   x = current sum
    e = 1                 //   e = current exponentiated part
  ) =>                    //
    i ?                   // if there's still at least one step to go:
      e > n ?             //   if e is greater than n:
                          //     add the result of a recursive call with:
        g(i - 1, x)       //       i - 1, x unchanged and e = 1
      :                   //   else:
                          //     add the sum of recursive calls with:
        g(i - 1, x + e) + //       i - 1, x + e and e = 1
        g(i, x, e * x)    //       i unchanged, x unchanged and e = e * x
    :                     // else:
      x == n              //   stop recursion; return 1 if x = n
)(j, 2)                   // initial call to g with i = j and x = 2
|| f(n, -~j)              // if it fails, try again with j + 1

Haskell, 78 75 bytes

This implementation uses a breath-first-search in the "tree" of iteratively all necessary mappings x -> x + x^j.

f n=[sum[1|x<-l,x==n]|l<-iterate((#)<$>[0..n]<*>)[2],n`elem`l]!!0

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-- computes the mapping x -> x + x^j
--iteratively apply this function for all exponents [0,1,...,n] (for all previous values, starting with the only value [2])
-- find each iteration where our target number occurs
    [                   |l<-...........................,n`elem`l] 
-- find how many times it occurs
     sum   [1|x<-l,x==n] 
-- pick the first entry
f n=.............................................................!!0

05AB1E, 17 bytes


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