Creating letters with zero-margin colored headers, in addition to the regular letterhead

I am using a hack in a similar situation: I have designed an A4-sized PDF that contains all the static information like colored boxes, logos and so on. This is placed into the background of a page. The letter proper is typeset on top of that using the dinbrief class that is geared towards letters in German.



\setbottomtexttop{270mm}  % x from top of page
\bottomtext{\kern27mm%    % y from bottom of page; x+y=297mm
    \vbox to 0pt{\vss\hbox to 0pt{\kern-2.5cm

\signature{Christian Lindig} 

{Prof. Drov Nuts\\
St. Anford\\

\subject{Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation}

\opening{Sehr geehrter Herr Prof. Drov Nuts,}

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit.

\closing{Mit freundlichem Gruß}


The crucial bits are \bottomtext where the PDF is included, put in the background and shifted such that it is properly aligned. The obvious advantage is that I can design the background PDF with any program I like and don't have to re-create the design in LaTeX.


You can do this with fancyhdr. I had to include a random 1.5ex space to get things "right."

\usepackage[demo]{graphicx}% The demo option creates a black box instead of a figure

\usepackage{lipsum}% The lipsum package provides dummy text

    \fancyhead[L]{\colorbox{red}{\parbox[b][\headheight-\baselineskip]{\headwidth}{\vfil{}some text\\some more text\vfil}}}%
    \fancyhead[R]{\vfil\includegraphics[height = 1cm]{MyLogo.pdf}\hspace*{1.5ex}\vfil}%
    \fancyhead[L]{\colorbox{red}{\parbox[b][\headheight-\baselineskip]{\headwidth}{\vfil{}some text\\some more text\vfil}}}%
    \fancyhead[R]{\vfil\includegraphics[height = 1cm]{MyLogo.pdf}\hspace*{1.5ex}\vfil}%
    \fancyhead[L]{\colorbox{red}{\parbox[b][\headheight-\baselineskip]{\headwidth}{\vfil{}some alt text\\some more alt text\vfil}}}%
    \fancyhead[R]{\vfil\includegraphics[height = 1cm]{MyLogo.pdf}\vfil}%

\geometry{top = 4cm, headheight = 4cm}
\fancyhfoffset[L]{\oddsidemargin + \hoffset + 1in}
\fancyhfoffset[R]{\evensidemargin + \marginparwidth - \marginparsep}

\name{My Name}
\address{My University\\My Road\\My City}
\telephone{(555) 555-5555}
\signature{My Nickname}
            Some Name\\%
            Some Department\\%
            Some University\\%
            Some Road\\%
            Some City%
        \opening{Dear \toname{},}\hfil

        In this 1+ page letter the header and footer on the first page are different from the other pages. If the address macro is used the first page style is ``empty'' otherwise it is ``firstpage''


enter image description here