{Curly Numbers};

Pyth, 35 32 bytes - 10% = 28.8


Try it online: Demonstration or Test Suite

edit: As it turned out, I accidentally can also handle improper Curly Numbers. Wasn't planned at all. ;-)


There are two expressions in the code. The first one converts a number into a Curly Number, and the second one converts a Curly Number into a regular number. .x handles, which expression gets printed. It will try to print the first expression. If there are any non-digits in the input, the first expression fails (via Exception). .x catches the Exception and prints the second one.

.U+jb`HZ*R\;.[Z2jsz4   # number to Curly Number
                 sz    read the input and converts it to an int
                j  4   convert to base 4
            .[Z2       pad zeros on the left, until length is >= 2
        *R\;           convert each digit to ";"s
                       lets call this list of ";"s Y
.U                     reduce this list, start with b=Y[0], 
                       Z iterates over Y[1], Y[2], ..., 
                       update b in each step with:
   jb`H                   put b into curly brackets
  +    Z                  and append Z

i/R\;cz\}4             # Curly Number to regular number
     cz\}              split the input by "}"
 /R\;                  count the ";"s in each string
i        4             convert this list from base 4 to base 10

CJam, 51 47 44 41 bytes


Try it online: sample run | test suite

How it works

r        e# Read a token from STDIN.
_'{-     e# Remove all left curly brackets from a copy of the token.
_@       e# Copy the modified token and rotate the original on top of it.
=        e# Check for equality.
{        e# If the strings were equal:
  i4b    e#   Convert to integer, then to base 4.
  YUe[   e#   Left-pad the resulting array with zeroes to a length of 2.
  ';f*   e#   Replace each digit with that many semicolons.
  {      e#   For each string of semicolons but the first:
    {}s  e#     Push the string "{}".
    @    e#     Rotate the first string or the result of the previous 
         e#     iteration on top of the stack.
    *    e#     Join, i.e., surround the string with curly brackets.
    \+   e#     Append the current string of semicolons to the result.
  }*     e#
}{       e# Else:
  '}/    e#   Split the modified input at right curly brackets.
  :,     e#   Replace each run of 0 to 3 semicolons by its length.
  4b     e#   Convert from base 4 to integer.
}?       e#

Python 2, 167 bytes - 10% = 150.3

d=lambda x:("{"+d(x//4)+"}"if x>3 else"")+";"*(x%4)
c=lambda n:"{}"*(int(n)<4)+d(int(n))if n.isdigit()else reduce(lambda x,y:x*4+y,[x.count(";")for x in n.split("}")])

In this implementation, c is the function that satisfies the requirements. It returns a string if given an nonnegative integer as input, or an integer if given a curly number as input.