Dashed box environment

Welcome, and good question. I don't know of a LaTeX package that can easily do what you want out of the box. The fancybox package does a lot of fancy boxes (naturally) but not dashed lines around them.

The reason might be that TeX doesn't have native mechanisms for drawing dashed/dotted lines, only solid ones. So to create dashed lines one needs to calculate the number of dashes and draw each one.

LaTeX's built-in picture environment can do this, but I never learned too much about it. TikZ can do it:


\node[rectangle,minimum width=0.9\textwidth] (m) {\begin{minipage}{0.85\textwidth}\BODY\end{minipage}};
\draw[dashed] (m.south west) rectangle (m.north east);

My Elaboration
{My item list is shown below:}
  \item dummy item
  \item dummy item 2
  \item dummy item 3


sample code output

There is probably an improvement to the TikZ code that can be made by using a decoration to draw the shape's border, thereby reducing it to one line of TikZ. But since all you want is a dashed line this will do the trick. You can play around with the settings to get the separation you want or make it customizable.

without loading large packages:



\begin{elaboration}{My item list is shown bellow:}
  \item dummy item
  \item dummy item 2
  \item dummy item 3


Here a solution based on my adjustbox package and dashbox which provides \dbox and \dashbox. These work like \fbox and \framebox but with dashed lines.


My Elaboration

My item list is shown below:
  \item dummy item
  \item dummy item 2
  \item Verbatim: \verb+\section+
