How to write (La)TeX (with parentheses) [or any other TeX-related logo]

\usepackage{dtk-logos}% or use package holog

\XeTeX    \\ \XeLaTeX  \\
\AmS      \\ \AmSLaTeX \\
\AMSLaTeX \\ \AmSTeX   \\
\AMSTEX   \\ \AMSTeX   \\
\BibTeX   \\ \LAMSTeX  \\
\LamSTeX  \\ \La       \\
\LaTeX    \\ \LaTeXTeX \\
\MF       \\ \MFun     \\
\MP       \\ \SLITEX   \\
\MakeIndex\\ \emTeX    \\
\PubliCTeX\\ \TeXXeT   \\
\TeXeT    \\ \WinEdt   \\
\LyX      \\ \exTeX    \\
\LaTeXe   \\ \PS       \\
\PiC      \\ \PiCTeX   \\
\NTS      \\ \eTeX     \\
\ExTeX    \\ \DANTE    \\
\ConTeXt  \\ \MiKTeX   


enter image description here

Just saw, that I have a bug for METAFUN ...

Here a second image which shows the commands and output side by side to make them easier to find. (Added by Martin Scharrer)

enter image description here

The hologo package provides a long list of TeX related logos. They are used with \hologo{<name>} where <name> is the name of the respective logo:




Usage: \verb=\hologo{<name>}=

Example: \verb=\hologo{(La)TeX}= \hologo{(La)TeX}

Table of all possible names:

  \rmfamily\bfseries{name} & \rmfamily\bfseries variant
  & \bfseries logo & \bfseries since\\


The following picture shows (not quite) half of the available names for \hologo (part of the document produced with the code above):

enter image description here

I coded the following macro based on the normal \LaTeX macro for the documentation of my new adjustbox package. The \textorpdfstring needs hyperref and is to ensure that it works in sectioning commands.

\def\LATeX{\texorpdfstring{(L\kern -.36em{\sbox \z@ T\vbox to\ht \z@ {\hbox {\check@mathfonts \fontsize \sf@size \z@ \math@fontsfalse \selectfont A}\vss }}\kern -.15em)\kern -.075em\TeX}{(La)TeX}}

without \texorpdfstring:

\def\LATeX{(L\kern -.36em{\sbox \z@ T\vbox to\ht \z@ {\hbox {\check@mathfonts \fontsize \sf@size \z@ \math@fontsfalse \selectfont A}\vss }}\kern -.15em)\kern -.075em\TeX}


