Devise - How do I forbid certain users from signing in?
Add a column to the User
model: allowed_to_log_in
Then add this to /app/models/user.rb
def active_for_authentication?
super and self.allowed_to_log_in?
If you want to inform the user with a custom message you can add this as well:
def inactive_message
"You are not allowed to log in."
I think that is quite important because the standard message from Devise says:
"Your account is not activated yet."
That is confusing for users and the real reason is that you have "banned" them from logging in.
Do it like this:
Create a column called is_active
for the User
Then add the code below to the User
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
#this method is called by devise to check for "active" state of the model
def active_for_authentication?
#remember to call the super
#then put our own check to determine "active" state using
#our own "is_active" column
super and self.is_active?
As Matt Huggins notes, the method is now called active_for_authentication?