Django: logging only for my project's apps

You could use a scheme like the following to create identical loggers for all of your local apps without having to manually add them all to the logging configuration.

First, split out your local apps:


    'django. ...',


Next create the logger configuration for your local apps:

local_logger_conf = {
    'handlers': ['my_handler',],
    'level': 'DEBUG',

Finally, define your loggers as follows:

'loggers': { app: copy.deepcopy(local_logger_conf) for app in LOCAL_APPS }

Not sure if I fully understood your question, because the answer seems too simple.

Assuming you have defined in LOGGING a handler for your project's apps, for example like this:

'handlers': {
    'handler_for_my_apps': {
        'level': 'DEBUG',
        'class': 'logging.FileHandler',
        'filename': 'debug.log',

and given your apps app1, app2, and so, you could have all the logs from those apps without any Django's internal logs by defining the loggers:

'loggers': {
    'app1': {
        'handlers': ['handler_for_my_apps'],
        'level': 'DEBUG',
    'app2': {
        'handlers': ['handler_for_my_apps'],
        'level': 'DEBUG',

There will be no Django logs in the same file, unless of course you defined a logger named django with a handler handler_for_my_apps.

In your apps you can get the logger using logging.getLogger(__name__) as recommended by the docs.

Unless I misunderstood your question...


