Document directory path of Xcode Device Simulator
below code somewhere in "AppDelegate", run your project and follow the path. This will be easy for you to get to the documents rather than searching randomly inside "~/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/"
NSLog(@"%@",[[[NSFileManager defaultManager] URLsForDirectory:NSDocumentDirectory inDomains:NSUserDomainMask] lastObject]);
If you are using Swift 1.2, use the code below which will only output in development when using the Simulator because of the #if
#if arch(i386) || arch(x86_64)
let documentsPath = NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains(.DocumentDirectory, .UserDomainMask, true)[0] as! NSString
NSLog("Document Path: %@", documentsPath)
Copy your path from "/Users/ankur/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/7BA821..." go to "Finder" and then "Go to Folder" or command + shift + g and paste your path, let the mac take you to your documents directory :)
on my computer, the path is:
NOTE: probably those long IDs (i.e UDIDs) are different on your computer.