How to convert Rust strings to UTF-16?

Rust 1.8+

str::encode_utf16 is the stable iterator of UTF-16 values.

You just need to use collect() on that iterator to construct Vec<u16> and then push(0) on that vector:

pub fn main() {
    let s = "Hello";

    let mut v: Vec<u16> = s.encode_utf16().collect();

Rust 1.0+

str::utf16_units() / str::encode_utf16 is unstable. The alternative is to either switch to nightly (a viable option if you're writing a program, not a library) or to use an external crate like encoding:

extern crate encoding;

use std::slice;

use encoding::all::UTF_16LE;
use encoding::{Encoding, EncoderTrap};

fn main() {
    let s = "Hello";

    let mut v: Vec<u8> = UTF_16LE.encode(s, EncoderTrap::Strict).unwrap();
    v.push(0); v.push(0);
    let s: &[u16] = unsafe { slice::from_raw_parts(v.as_ptr() as *const _, v.len()/2) };
    println!("{:?}", s);

(or you can use from_raw_parts_mut if you want a &mut [u16]).

However, in this particular example you have to be careful with endianness because UTF_16LE encoding gives you a vector of bytes representing u16's in little endian byte order, while the from_raw_parts trick allows you to "view" the vector of bytes as a slice of u16's in your platform's byte order, which may as well be big endian. Using a crate like byteorder may be helpful here if you want complete portability.

This discussion on Reddit may also be helpful.

Rust 1.46+

For static UTF-16 strings, the utf16_lit crate provides an easy to use macro to do this at compile time:

use utf16_lit::utf16_null;

fn main() {
    let s = &utf16_null!("Hello");
    println!("{:?}", s);