Drag and lift force acting on an airfoil

When I run your code I get a FindRoot warning message:

enter image description here

Which makes me suspicious of the result quality. If we assume the result is correct we can speed up the integration by using the FEM for that too. We create a boundary element mesh of the foil:

bmeshFoil = 
  ToBoundaryMesh["Coordinates" -> coords[[5 ;; nn]], 
   "BoundaryElements" -> {LineElement[
      Partition[Range[Length[coords[[5 ;; nn]]]], 2, 1, 1]]}];

And integrate along the boundary:

{fdrag, flift} = 
 NIntegrate[force[{x, y}], {x, y} \[Element] bmeshFoil, 
   AccuracyGoal -> 3, PrecisionGoal -> 3] // AbsoluteTiming

(* {0.702661, {0.209457, 1.34502}} *)

Here is a partial non-NIntegrate answer that still needs work but might give you some ideas on how to proceed.

I extended the domain so that it would be easier for me to pick line segments related to the airfoil.

x1 = -2; x2 = 3; y1 = -1.5; y2 = 1.5;(*domain dimensions*)

Then I followed this example from the documentation to grab normals at line segment midpoint and the length of each segment:

bn = bmesh["BoundaryNormals"];
mean = Mean /@ GetElementCoordinates[bmesh["Coordinates"], #] & /@ 
dist = EuclideanDistance @@@ 
     GetElementCoordinates[bmesh["Coordinates"], #] & /@ 
ids = Flatten@
    Flatten[mean, 1], _?(EuclideanDistance[#, {0, 0}] < 1.1 &), 1];
foilbn = bn[[1, ids]];
foilbnplt = ArrayReshape[foilbn, {1}~Join~(foilbn // Dimensions)];
foildist = dist[[1, ids]];
foildistplt = 
  ArrayReshape[foildist, {1}~Join~(foildist // Dimensions)];
foilmean = mean[[1, ids]];
foilmeanplt = 
  ArrayReshape[foilmean, {1}~Join~(foilmean // Dimensions)];
   Arrow[{#1, #2}] &, {Join @@ foilmeanplt, 
    Join @@ (foilbnplt/5 + foilmeanplt)}]]]

Foil Normals

It looks like we captured all the normals associated with the airfoil. You have lots of normals so I think a weighted sum should be a decent approximation to the integral.

Then, I created a function that takes a weighted sum of forces. It is fast but it needs some work and validation, but this method is similar what is done with other codes.

fluidStress[{uif_InterpolatingFunction, vif_InterpolatingFunction, 
   pif_InterpolatingFunction}, mu_, rho_, bn_, dist_, mean_] := 
 Block[{dd, df, mesh, coords, dv, press, fx, fy, wfx, wfy, nx, ny, ux,
    uy, vx, vy}, 
  dd = Outer[(D[#1[x, y], #2]) &, {uif, vif}, {x, y}];
  df = Table[Function[{x, y}, Evaluate[dd[[i, j]]]], {i, 2}, {j, 2}];
  (*the coordinates from the foil*)
  coords = mean;
  dv = Table[df[[i, j]] @@@ coords, {i, 2}, {j, 2}];
  ux = dv[[1, 1]];
  uy = dv[[1, 2]];
  vx = dv[[2, 1]];
  vy = dv[[2, 2]];
  nx = bn[[All, 1]];
  ny = bn[[All, 2]];
  press = pif[#1, #2] & @@@ coords;
  fx = -nx*press + mu*(-2*nx*ux - ny*(uy + vx));
  fy = -ny*press + mu*(-nx*(vx + uy) - 2*ny*vy);
  wfx = dist*fx ;
  wfy = dist*fy; 
  Total /@ {wfx, wfy}
AbsoluteTiming[{fdrag, flift} = 
  fluidStress[{xVel, yVel, pressure}, 10^-3, 1, foilbn, foildist, 
(* {0.364506, {0.00244262, 0.158859}} *)