Enabling Eslint on typescript files

--ext allows using custom javascript extensions, you can't force ESLint to work for languages other than JavaScript by passing a different file extension to it.

You can try using typescript-eslint-parser to enable ESLint for Typescript - it allows building a syntax tree from typescript code that can be passed to ESLint for linting.

But I'd suggest using Typescript linters for inspecting TypeScript code. You can try TSLint, for example.

Update: since 2017.1.3, WebStorm supports ESLint + typescript-eslint-parser; you just need to install both typescript plugin and typescript-eslint-parser and modify your ESLint config accordingly:

"parser": "typescript-eslint-parser",
"plugins": ["typescript"]

2020 answer:

My problem was ESLint errors/warnings weren't showing up in the Problems tab in WebStorm (this also works for Rider) for .ts files, even though VS Code was working fine (showing warnings/errors) for the very same file.


  1. Press CTRL+SHIFT+A

  1. Search for "Registry..."
    enter image description here

  1. Start typing eslint.additional.file.extensions to find that registry entry enter image description here

  1. Set value of eslint.additional.file.extensions to js,ts (like in screenshot above)

Probably you should restart editor just to be sure. This worked for me (errors/warnings started appearing in Problems section just like in VS Code) and I'm using @typescript-eslint/[somethinghere] rules etc.