Finding GIS data sources for developing nations?
I recommend checking the web site which contains a categorised list of links to over 300 sites providing freely available geographic datasets - all ready for loading into a GIS.
To get OSM data or Natural Earth, as Ryan suggested, I recommend checking the
Another excellent resource with huge amount of datasets from global to local is: The UK open source for your free geodata. An example of search is here.
I think you will find that the Natural Earth dataset and OpenStreetMap will give you a good start for worldwide base data, in addition to simply searching for questions with the data tag here on our site.
DIVA-GIS has a handy download by country tool which draws from GADM, Digital Chart of the World, CGIAR SRTM, GLC2000, CIESIN, WorldClim, and NIMA. You can download the following by country:
- Administrative Areas
- Inland Waters
- Roads
- Railroads
- Elevation
- Land Cover
- Population
- Gazetteer
Additionally, Penn Libraries has a good collection of international GIS links including the following categories:
- Boundaries and Location
- Elevation and Environmental
- Biota
- Society, Economy
- Health
- Transportation
- Climate, Atmosphere
- Farming
- Water