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This question has been solved in the paper of Y.Odaka, saying that a polarized Calabi-Yau have at worst canonical singularities since they are K-stable. So if the central fibre $X_0$ be Calabi-Yau variety with canonica singularities then all general fibers $X_t$ are Calabi-Yau varieties with at worst canonical singularities and by recent result of Song-Yuan there exists a Ricci flat metric on each fibre and we can introduce fiberwise Ricci flat metric $\rho$ (introduced by Greene-Shapere-Vafa-Yau, see Brian R. Greene, Alfred Shapere, Cumrun Vafa, and Shing-Tung Yau, Stringy cosmic strings and noncompact Calabi-Yau manifolds, Nuclear Phys. B 337 (1990))

Hence we can introduce Weil-Petersson metric by fiber integral as follows see Matthias Braun's PhD thesis
