Get hash of most recent git commit in Node
Short solution, no external module needed (synchronous alternative to Edin's answer):
revision = require('child_process')
.execSync('git rev-parse HEAD')
and if you want to manually specify the root directory of the git project, use the second argument of execSync
to pass the cwd
option, like execSync('git rev-parse HEAD', {cwd: __dirname})
Solution #1 (git required, with callback):
require('child_process').exec('git rev-parse HEAD', function(err, stdout) {
console.log('Last commit hash on this branch is:', stdout);
Optionally, you can use execSync()
to avoid the callback.
Solution #2 (no git required):
- get contents of the file
- if the git repo is in the detached head state, the content will be the hash
- if the git repo is on some branch, the content will be something like: "refs: refs/heads/current-branch-name"
- get contents of
- handle all possible errors in this process
- to get the latest hash from the master branch directly, you can get the contents of the file:
This can be coded with something like:
const rev = fs.readFileSync('.git/HEAD').toString().trim();
if (rev.indexOf(':') === -1) {
return rev;
} else {
return fs.readFileSync('.git/' + rev.substring(5)).toString().trim();