Getting imported json data into a data frame

To remove null values use parameter nullValue

json_data <- fromJSON(json_file, nullValue = NA)
asFrame <-"rbind.fill", lapply(json_data,

this way there won´t be any unnecessary quotes in your output

This is very simple if you use either library(jsonlite) or library(jsonify)

Both of these handle the null values and converts them to NA, and they preserve the data types.


json_file <-  '[{"name":"Doe, John","group":"Red","age (y)":24,"height (cm)":182,"wieght (kg)":74.8,"score":null},
{"name":"Doe, Jane","group":"Green","age (y)":30,"height (cm)":170,"wieght (kg)":70.1,"score":500},
{"name":"Smith, Joan","group":"Yellow","age (y)":41,"height (cm)":169,"wieght (kg)":60,"score":null},
{"name":"Brown, Sam","group":"Green","age (y)":22,"height (cm)":183,"wieght (kg)":75,"score":865},
{"name":"Jones, Larry","group":"Green","age (y)":31,"height (cm)":178,"wieght (kg)":83.9,"score":221},
{"name":"Murray, Seth","group":"Red","age (y)":35,"height (cm)":172,"wieght (kg)":76.2,"score":413},
{"name":"Doe, Jane","group":"Yellow","age (y)":22,"height (cm)":164,"wieght (kg)":68,"score":902}]'


jsonlite::fromJSON( json_file )
#           name  group age (y) height (cm) wieght (kg) score
# 1    Doe, John    Red      24         182        74.8    NA
# 2    Doe, Jane  Green      30         170        70.1   500
# 3  Smith, Joan Yellow      41         169        60.0    NA
# 4   Brown, Sam  Green      22         183        75.0   865
# 5 Jones, Larry  Green      31         178        83.9   221
# 6 Murray, Seth    Red      35         172        76.2   413
# 7    Doe, Jane Yellow      22         164        68.0   902

str( jsonlite::fromJSON( json_file ) )
# 'data.frame': 7 obs. of  6 variables:
# $ name       : chr  "Doe, John" "Doe, Jane" "Smith, Joan" "Brown, Sam" ...
# $ group      : chr  "Red" "Green" "Yellow" "Green" ...
# $ age (y)    : int  24 30 41 22 31 35 22
# $ height (cm): int  182 170 169 183 178 172 164
# $ wieght (kg): num  74.8 70.1 60 75 83.9 76.2 68
# $ score      : int  NA 500 NA 865 221 413 902


jsonify::from_json( json_file )
#           name  group age (y) height (cm) wieght (kg) score
# 1    Doe, John    Red      24         182        74.8    NA
# 2    Doe, Jane  Green      30         170        70.1   500
# 3  Smith, Joan Yellow      41         169        60.0    NA
# 4   Brown, Sam  Green      22         183        75.0   865
# 5 Jones, Larry  Green      31         178        83.9   221
# 6 Murray, Seth    Red      35         172        76.2   413
# 7    Doe, Jane Yellow      22         164        68.0   90

str( jsonify::from_json( json_file ) )
# 'data.frame': 7 obs. of  6 variables:
# $ name       : chr  "Doe, John" "Doe, Jane" "Smith, Joan" "Brown, Sam" ...
# $ group      : chr  "Red" "Green" "Yellow" "Green" ...
# $ age (y)    : int  24 30 41 22 31 35 22
# $ height (cm): int  182 170 169 183 178 172 164
# $ wieght (kg): num  74.8 70.1 60 75 83.9 76.2 68
# $ score      : int  NA 500 NA 865 221 413 902

You just need to replace your NULLs with NAs:


json_file <-  '[{"name":"Doe, John","group":"Red","age (y)":24,"height (cm)":182,"wieght (kg)":74.8,"score":null},
    {"name":"Doe, Jane","group":"Green","age (y)":30,"height (cm)":170,"wieght (kg)":70.1,"score":500},
    {"name":"Smith, Joan","group":"Yellow","age (y)":41,"height (cm)":169,"wieght (kg)":60,"score":null},
    {"name":"Brown, Sam","group":"Green","age (y)":22,"height (cm)":183,"wieght (kg)":75,"score":865},
    {"name":"Jones, Larry","group":"Green","age (y)":31,"height (cm)":178,"wieght (kg)":83.9,"score":221},
    {"name":"Murray, Seth","group":"Red","age (y)":35,"height (cm)":172,"wieght (kg)":76.2,"score":413},
    {"name":"Doe, Jane","group":"Yellow","age (y)":22,"height (cm)":164,"wieght (kg)":68,"score":902}]'

json_file <- fromJSON(json_file)

json_file <- lapply(json_file, function(x) {
  x[sapply(x, is.null)] <- NA

Once you have a non-null value for each element, you can call rbind without getting an error:"rbind", json_file)
     name           group    age (y) height (cm) wieght (kg) score
[1,] "Doe, John"    "Red"    "24"    "182"       "74.8"      NA   
[2,] "Doe, Jane"    "Green"  "30"    "170"       "70.1"      "500"
[3,] "Smith, Joan"  "Yellow" "41"    "169"       "60"        NA   
[4,] "Brown, Sam"   "Green"  "22"    "183"       "75"        "865"
[5,] "Jones, Larry" "Green"  "31"    "178"       "83.9"      "221"
[6,] "Murray, Seth" "Red"    "35"    "172"       "76.2"      "413"
[7,] "Doe, Jane"    "Yellow" "22"    "164"       "68"        "902"