Horizontal line filling with ListPlot

I don't see any option in Filling that would allow this, and the ideas here tend to be for curves rather than points.

One simple workaround is

ListPlot[data, AxesOrigin -> {0, 0}] /. 
 Point[a__] :> 
  Sequence[Point[a], Opacity[0.3], Line[{{0, #2}, {#1, #2}} & @@@ a]]

Mathematica graphics

You could make a function out of this, and it will work easily with multiple data sets being plotted

horizontalListPlotFill[listplot_, axisOrigin_: 0] := 
  listplot /. 
   Point[a__] :> 
    {Point[a], Opacity[0.3], 
     Line[{{axisOrigin, #2}, {#1, #2}} & @@@ a]};
horizontalListPlotFill@ListPlot[{RandomReal[{10, 50}, {6, 2}],
   RandomReal[{10, 20}, {6, 2}]}]

Mathematica graphics

One can add a horizontal Filling using Epilog.

data = {74.69, 45.47, 42.45, 54.54, 36.04, 31.76, 33.95}

ListPlot[data, AxesOrigin -> {0, 0}, 
 Epilog -> {ColorData[97, 1], MapIndexed[Line[{{0, #}, {First@#2, #}}] &, data]}]

enter image description here

I like to use my axisFlip function for things like this.

axisFlip = # /. {x_Line | x_GraphicsComplex :> MapAt[# ~Reverse~ 2 &, x, 1], 
     x : ((PlotRange | FrameTicks) -> _) :> x ~Reverse~ 2} &;

  MapIndexed[{#, #2[[1]]} &, data]
  , AxesOrigin -> {0, 0}
  , Filling -> Axis
] // axisFlip

enter image description here