How can I filter a JSON object in JavaScript?

Beside the given solutions, you could use a recursive style to check the keys.

This proposal gives the opportunity to have more nested objects inside and get only the filtered parts.

function filterBy(val) {
    function iter(o, r) {
        return Object.keys(o).reduce(function (b, k) {
            var temp = {};
            if (k.toLowerCase().indexOf(val.toLowerCase()) !== -1) {
                r[k] = o[k];
                return true;
            if (o[k] !== null && typeof o[k] === 'object' && iter(o[k], temp)) {
                r[k] = temp;
                return true;
            return b;
        }, false);

    var result = {};
    iter(obj, result);
    return result;

var obj = { Alarm: { Hello: 48, "World": 3, Orange: 1 }, Rapid: { Total: 746084, Fake: 20970, Cancel: 9985, Word: 2343 }, Flow: { Support: 746084, About: 0, Learn: 0 }, test: { test1: { test2: { world: 42 } } } };

.as-console-wrapper { max-height: 100% !important; top: 0; }

You can create a function using reduce() and Object.keys() that will check key names with indexOf() and return the desired result.

var obj = {
  "Alarm": {
    "Hello": 48,
    "World": 3,
    "Orange": 1
  "Rapid": {
    "Total": 746084,
    "Fake": 20970,
    "Cancel": 9985,
    "Word": 2343
  "Flow": {
    "Support": 746084,
    "About": 0,
    "Learn": 0

function filterBy(val) {
  var result = Object.keys(obj).reduce(function(r, e) {
    if (e.toLowerCase().indexOf(val) != -1) {
      r[e] = obj[e];
    } else {
      Object.keys(obj[e]).forEach(function(k) {
        if (k.toLowerCase().indexOf(val) != -1) {
          var object = {}
          object[k] = obj[e][k];
          r[e] = object;
    return r;
  }, {})
  return result;


With the filter method I think you mean the Array#filter function. This doesn't work for objects.

Anyway, a solution for your input data could look like this:

function filterObjects(objects, filter) {
    filter = filter.toLowerCase();
    var filtered = {};
    var keys = Object.keys(objects);
    for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
        var key = keys[i];
        if (objects.hasOwnProperty(key) === true) {
            var object = objects[key];
            var objectAsString = JSON.stringify(object).toLowerCase();
            if (key.toLowerCase().indexOf(filter) > -1 || objectAsString.indexOf(filter) > -1) {
                filtered[key] = object;
    return filtered;