How can I handle empty response body with Retrofit 2?


As Jake Wharton points out,

Call<Void> getMyData(/* your args here */);

is the best way to go versus my original response --

You can just return a ResponseBody, which will bypass parsing the response.

Call<ResponseBody> getMyData(/* your args here */);

Then in your call,

Call<ResponseBody> dataCall = myApi.getMyData();
dataCall.enqueue(new Callback<ResponseBody>() {
    public void onResponse(Response<ResponseBody> response) {
        // use response.code, response.headers, etc.

    public void onFailure(Throwable t) {
        // handle failure

If you use RxJava, then it's better to use Completable in this case

Represents a deferred computation without any value but only indication for completion or exception. The class follows a similar event pattern as Reactive-Streams: onSubscribe (onError|onComplete)?

in the accepted answer:

Observable<Response<Void>> getMyData(/* your args here */);

If the endpoint returns failure response code, it will still be in the onNext and you will have to check the response code yourself.

However, if you use Completable.

Completable getMyData(/* your args here */);

you will have only onComplete and onError. if the response code is success it will fire the onComplete else it will fire onError.

If you are using rxjava, use something like :

Observable<Response<Void>> getMyData(/* your args here */);