How can I make a graph rho-shaped whose nodes are numbers?

Your circle and straight lines can be coded much shorter, which also allows you to change the positions of the various nodes very easily.


\begin{tikzpicture}[node distance=1.5cm]
\node[circle,minimum width=7cm] (circ) {};
\foreach \X [count=\Y] in {456,1562,792,1872,2152,25,441,615,2993,2329,2031}
{\node  (cn\Y) at ({-(\Y-2.5)*360/11}:3.5) {$\X$}; }
\foreach \Y [remember=\Y as \LastY (initially 11)]in {1,...,11}
{\draw[-latex,shorten >=4pt,shorten <=4pt] (cn\LastY) to[bend left=10] (cn\Y);}
\begin{scope}[start chain = going below,every node/.append style={on chain},
every join/.style=-latex]]
\node[below=of cn8] (n0) {2};
\draw[-latex] (cn8) -- (n0);
\node[join] (n1) {$12$};
\node[join] (n2) {$152$};
\node[join] (n3) {$1223$};
\node[join] (n4) {$1031$};
\node[join] (n5) {$2916$};
\node[join] (n6) {$751$};
\node[join] (n7) {$1149$};

enter image description here

Just for fun: the straight line of a latex \rho has an angle of approximately 76 degrees.

\draw[white,thick,double=blue] (-0.5,0.6)  -- (-1.05,-1.6)

enter image description here

This raises the question if one can make the chain such that it has this angle. The answer is yes.


\begin{tikzpicture}[node distance=1.5cm]
\node[circle,minimum width=7cm] (circ) {};
\foreach \X [count=\Y] in {456,1562,792,1872,2152,25,441,615,2993,2329,2031}
{\node  (cn\Y) at ({-(\Y-2.5)*360/11}:3.5) {$\X$}; }
\foreach \Y [remember=\Y as \LastY (initially 11)]in {1,...,11}
{\draw[-latex,shorten >=4pt,shorten <=4pt] (cn\LastY) to[bend left=10] (cn\Y);}
\begin{scope}[start chain = going below,every node/.append style={on chain,
every join/.style=-latex]
\node[below=of cn8] (n0) {2};
\draw[-latex] (cn8) -- (n0);
\node[join] (n1) {$12$};
\node[join] (n2) {$152$};
\node[join] (n3) {$1223$};
\node[join] (n4) {$1031$};
\node[join] (n5) {$2916$};
\node[join] (n6) {$751$};
\node[join] (n7) {$1149$};

enter image description here

this is not really answer (for it i was to late for one minute), just an illustration to @marmot how i imagine \rho "tail" to circle ...

enter image description here

\documentclass[tikz, margin=3mm]{standalone}
\usetikzlibrary{chains, positioning}


node distance = 4mm and 6mm,
  start chain = going below left,
   box/.style = {minimum width=5ex, inner xsep=0pt,
                 on chain, join=by latex-}
\def \n {11}
\def \radius {3.5cm}
\def \margin {8} % margin in angles, depends on the radius
% the cycle
\foreach \s [count=\i from 0,
             count=\j from 1] in {456, 1562, 792, 1872, 2152,
                                  25,  441,  615, 2993, 2329, 2031}
\node (s\j)  at (-\i*360/\n:\radius) {$\s$};
\draw[latex-] (\i*360/\n + \margin:\radius)
                arc (\i*360/\n +\margin:\j*360/\n -\margin:\radius);
\node (d1) [box, below left=of s8] {$2$};
\node[box]   {$12$};
\node[box]   {$152$};
\node[box]   {$1223$};
\node[box]   {$1031$};
\node[box]   {$2916$};
\node[box]   {$751$};
\node[box]   {$1149$};
\draw[red,-latex]  (d1) -- (s8);


as all can see, difference between codes can be neglected ... slope of line can be adjusted with node distance. for example, i would rather start at node on circle with "441" and make slope more stepped:

node distance = 5mm and -2.5ex,

and star with tail:

\node (d1) [box, below left=of s7] {$2$};

for red arrows i was not sure, if it s desired (so it is red)

enter image description here


Tikz Pgf