How can I run ALL HTTP requests through Charles Web Debugging Proxy - including command line ones?

wget behind proxy (you may have to create the rc file) source

`$ vim ~/.wgetrc`

Add the following line:


curl behind proxy source

$ vim ~/.curlrc

Add the following line:

proxy =

elinks behind proxy source

Find your elinks.conf file with:

sudo find / -name elinks.conf

Add the following line: ""

Not sure about BlueCrab

The reason why you don't just get proxying of all HTTP requests is because at the operating system level, there is no such thing as a "HTTP request"; there are only TCP connections. Contacting a HTTP proxy means changing the HTTP request slightly as well as contacting the proxy server instead of the host named in the URL, so it has to be done in the code that implements sending HTTP requests.

curl and wget have their own HTTP code, which uses their own config files — they haven't been programmed to look for proxy settings where Mac OS X keeps them, nor are they using the HTTP libraries provided with Mac OS X that use those proxy settings.

If you dont want to touch your configuration files, using curl you can do :

curl --proxy