How can we write a generic function for checking Serde serialization and deserialization?

Unfortunately, what you need is a feature that is not yet implemented in Rust: generic associated types.

Let's look at a different variant of check_serde:

pub fn check_serde<T>(o: T)
    for<'a> T: Debug + PartialEq<T> + Serialize + Deserialize<'a>,
    let buf: Vec<u8> = to_vec(&o).unwrap();
    let o2: T = from_slice(&buf).unwrap();
    assert_eq!(o, o2);

fn main() {
    check_serde("wait"); // [E0279]

The problem here is that o2 cannot be of type T: o2 refers to buf, which is a local variable, but type parameters cannot be inferred to types constrained by a lifetime that is restricted to the function's body. We'd like for T to be something like &str without a specific lifetime attached to it.

With generic associated types, this could be solved with something like this (obviously I can't test it, since it's not implemented yet):

trait SerdeFamily {
    type Member<'a>: Debug + for<'b> PartialEq<Self::Member<'b>> + Serialize + Deserialize<'a>;

struct I32Family;
struct StrFamily;

impl SerdeFamily for I32Family {
    type Member<'a> = i32; // ignoring a parameter is allowed

impl SerdeFamily for StrFamily {
    type Member<'a> = &'a str;

pub fn check_serde<'a, Family>(o: Family::Member<'a>)
    Family: SerdeFamily,
    let buf: Vec<u8> = to_vec(&o).unwrap();
    // `o2` is of type `Family::Member<'b>`
    // with a lifetime 'b different from 'a
    let o2: Family::Member = from_slice(&buf).unwrap();
    assert_eq!(o, o2);

fn main() {

The answer from Francis Gagné has shown that we cannot do this efficiently without generic associated types. Establishing deep ownership of the deserialized object is a possible work-around which I describe here.

The third attempt is very close to a flexible solution, but it falls short due to how std::borrow::ToOwned works. The trait is not suitable for retrieving a deeply owned version of an object. Attempting to use the implementation of ToOwned for &str, for instance, gives you another string slice.

let a: &str = "hello";
let b: String = (&a).to_owned(); // expected String, got &str

Likewise, the Owned type for a struct containing string slices cannot be a struct containing Strings. In code:

#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Serialize, Deserialize)]
struct Foo<'a>(&str, i32);

#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Serialize, Deserialize)]
struct FooOwned(String, i32);

We cannot impl ToOwned for Foo to provide FooOwned because:

  • If we derive Clone, the implementation of ToOwned for T: Clone is only applicable to Owned = Self.
  • Even with a custom implementation of ToOwned, the trait requires that the owned type can be borrowed into the original type (due to the constraint Owned: Borrow<Self>). That is, we are supposed to be able to retrieve a &Foo(&str, i32) out of a FooOwned, but their internal structure is different, and so this is not attainable.

This means that, in order to follow the third approach, we need a different trait. Let's have a new trait ToDeeplyOwned which turns an object into a fully owned one, with no slices or references involved.

pub trait ToDeeplyOwned {
    type Owned;
    fn to_deeply_owned(&self) -> Self::Owned;

The intent here is to produce a deep copy out of anything. There doesn't seem to be an easy catch-all implementation, but some tricks are possible. First, we can implement it to all reference types where T: ToDeeplyOwned.

impl<'a, T: ?Sized + ToDeeplyOwned> ToDeeplyOwned for &'a T {
    type Owned = T::Owned;
    fn to_deeply_owned(&self) -> Self::Owned {

At this point we would have to selectively implement it to non-reference types where we know it's ok. I wrote a macro for making this process less verbose, which uses to_owned() internally.

macro_rules! impl_deeply_owned {
    ($t: ty, $t2: ty) => { // turn $t into $t2
        impl ToDeeplyOwned for $t {
            type Owned = $t2;
            fn to_deeply_owned(&self) -> Self::Owned {
    ($t: ty) => { // turn $t into itself, self-contained type
        impl ToDeeplyOwned for $t {
            type Owned = $t;
            fn to_deeply_owned(&self) -> Self::Owned {

For the examples in the question to work, we need at least these:

impl_deeply_owned!(str, String);

Once we implement the necessary traits on Foo/FooOwned and adapt serde_check to use the new trait, the code now compiles and runs successfully (Playground):

#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Serialize)]
struct Foo<'a>(&'a str, i32);

#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Clone, Deserialize)]
struct FooOwned(String, i32);

impl<'a> ToDeeplyOwned for Foo<'a> {
    type Owned = FooOwned;

    fn to_deeply_owned(&self) -> FooOwned {
        FooOwned(self.0.to_string(), self.1)

impl<'a> PartialEq<FooOwned> for Foo<'a> {
    fn eq(&self, o: &FooOwned) -> bool {
        self.0 == o.0 && self.1 == o.1

pub fn check_serde<'a, T: ?Sized>(o: &'a T)
    T: Debug + ToDeeplyOwned + PartialEq<<T as ToDeeplyOwned>::Owned> + Serialize,
    <T as ToDeeplyOwned>::Owned: Debug + DeserializeOwned,
    let buf: Vec<u8> = to_vec(&o).unwrap();
    let o2: T::Owned = from_slice(&buf).unwrap();
    assert_eq!(o, &o2);

// all of these are ok
check_serde(&vec![1, 2, 5]);
check_serde(&Foo("There's more!", 36));